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Dark Wood Floor


ND Homeschool Moms is for you. 

It doesn't matter how long you've been homeschooling or how old your kids are. It doesn't matter if you are religious or secular. It doesn't matter what curriculum you use or homeschool philosophy you follow. We are here for you.










We believe home education can feel a lot like a wilderness and we want to be the well where you receive refreshment:

  • encouragement: thoughtful, personalized mentoring

  • empowerment: inspiration and resources for every stage

  • education: tricks, tips and tools to bring excellence to your homeschool

  • espirit d'corps: connection and community so you don't feel alone

ND Homeschool Moms is for you, the mama in the wilderness looking for the well. Some of the things we do:

  • one-on-one mentoring (online and in-person)

  • workshops (online and in-person)

  • home education events

  • moms' retreat and encouragement days


We invite you to "look around" our website and learn more about us.


Please find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our email list to stay up to date.


We’d love to hear from you. Email us at or find us on Facebook or Instagram.

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